How to Help Ukraine

“I ask the faithful to join in solidarity with the Ukrainian people in calling for an end to this violent attack. May Our Lord, the Prince of Peace, comfort the hearts of those in harm’s way in Ukraine and inspire those with influence and power to end this attack and restore stability.” -Bishop Burbidge. To read his full statement click here.

Catholic Relief Services

“CRS and Caritas partners on the ground are preparing across Ukraine and in bordering countries, ready to provide safe shelter, hot meals, hygiene supplies, transport to safe areas, counseling support and more.” (via CRS website)


“Caritas Ukraine and Caritas-Spes are already helping thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who are now desperately searching for a safe shelter, both in western Ukraine and abroad. The two Caritas organisations are providing Internally-displaced people on the move with essential information, food, drinking water and personal hygiene kits, as well as a safe and secure place to sleep, eat and wash themselves. Caritas staff and volunteers also provide safe transport for displaced families to reach their loved ones.” (via Caritas website)

Knights of Columbus Ukraine Solidarity Fund

“Your gift today will provide temporary shelter, food, medical supplies, clothing, communications and religious supplies. These items will all be immediately distributed, and 100% of your gift will go directly to these displaced people.(via KoC website)

Walk Humbly Podcast with Bishop Burbidge

Episode 88: How to help Ukraine, Lenten preparation, radical abortion bill, and more. 

Searching for More Podcast

The Attack on Ukraine: Get the Inside Story on the Crisis, What it Means for People of Faith, and What You Can Do

Join us to hear from Mr. Robert McConnell, Co-founder of the U.S. Ukraine Foundation.

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