Venture Crew: Scouting for Boys and Girls
Inspired by Saint Pope John Paul II, who was known for his love of the outdoors and young people, Good Shepherd started Venture Crew for all our youth ages 14-21.
Our vision is a scouting group that is integrated into Good Shepherd’s Youth Ministry program. For the youth, it will be an opportunity to engage in camping, outdoor adventure, and challenging fun in a safe and supportive environment. For the girls in particular, it will enable them to enjoy outdoor adventures on par with what many of their brothers in scouting are already doing. For their parents, and for Good Shepherd, this will be a way to take advantage of the co-ed nature of the unit to provide the youth with an alternative message to what they are getting around them, particularly at school: An alternative message focused on the dignity of the human person, and how that dignity impacts both their treatment of themselves, and one another, particularly through marriage and family.
Girl Scouts
Good Shepherd has a Girl Scout troop.
New members are always welcome!
Contact Miguel DeAngel by email or use the contact form below.
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