Shepherd’s Gate Grants
Shepherd’s Gate Grants are small annual grants that support local non-profit organizations that reflect our mission to serve those in need, do justice, uphold human dignity and promote peace. Proceeds from the International Festival finance the SGG scholarship program.
2024 Grant Recipients

Alice’s Kids
Alice’s Kids uses funding to “enhance school-aged children’s self-esteem and development by funding items and services that most charities do not cover, but that are vital to children living in poverty.” Funding would provide services for approximately 40 more children in the MV area over the next 12 months.
The Food Bridge program (supplemental grocery cards) provides five months of sustained support for 30 clients concurrently enrolled in a mentoring program (working with a financial mentor, workforce case manager or in IT training). SGG would provide funding for two weeks of grocery gift cards.

Centreville Immigration Forum
The Centreville Immigration Forum (CIF) builds trade skills such as carpentry, drywall, painting, electricity, and plumbing, giving members year-round work potential with better earnings. Also provides financial and technical literacy. Grant would support instructors, supplies, marketing, planning, and training costs.
Culmore Clinic
Culmore Clinic is an interfaith healthcare clinic serving low-income, uninsured adults in the Bailey’s Crossroads/Culmore communities of Northern Virginia since 2007. The Clinic provides quality primary care, at little to no cost, to medically vulnerable and underserved adults who make less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level and who would otherwise face barriers to accessing healthcare. 500 patients expected to receive Rx medication.

Guadalupe Free Clinic of Colonial Beach
The Guadalupe Free Clinic, an apostolate of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, is a donor-supported, volunteer-staffed free health clinic that seeks to serve the indigent, working poor and medically uninsured residents of the Town of Colonial Beach and Westmoreland County, Virginia. Guided by Catholic principles for health care, the Clinic seeks to assist in the total healing of all patients. Estimated 12 patients would receive a comprehensive oral exam with this grant.
Liberty’s Promise
The goal is to help newcomer youth feel at home in their new community. A $2,800 grant would fund two educational field trips to two Virginia college campuses, typically not accessible to these youth, helping to inform of higher education opportunities and inspire them to pursue higher education and engage in their community. Benefits 40+ students.

Mother of Light Center
Mother of Light Center (MoLC) is dedicated to love and serve men and women who are poor, needy, and homeless. MOLC provides material support, spiritual help, encouragement, and information. MOLC helps identify talents/potentials of those they help, redirect their lives, find jobs and permanent housing, and most importantly, discover how much God loves them. MoLC provides monthly fresh meats, produce and dairy, as well as staple food delivery to 1,136 families and funding will be used to cover food expenses.
Pathway Homes
Pathway Homes serves nearly 2000 single adults who have experienced homelessness and have serious mental illness to obtain stable housing and services. Funding requested for 25 Welcome Kits (housewares, cleaning and basic hygiene products, nonperishable food) provided to individuals, many of whom had been living in woods and are fragile, as they enter supportive housing. Volunteer groups are engaged to assemble the kits.

Rising Hope United Methodist Mission Church
Rising Hope was established with the mission of bringing the “power of Christ” and the “support of the church” to the community living in poverty south of Alexandria, VA along the Route 1 Corridor of Fairfax County by addressing homelessness, food insecurity, transportation concerns, and other emergency situations.
Shelter House
Family Preservation and Strengthening Services (Family PASS) became a
program of Shelter House in January of 2023. Family PASS assists low-income families to improve their economic situation through education, financial literacy instruction, and technical training that builds employable skills and allows parents to earn a livable wage to support their family. Safety-net and community resources are provided to promote stability upon entering the program.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Holy Spirit Conference, Annandale, VA)
Esta financiación ayudaría a dos familias de inmigrantes con problemas médicos graves (tres adultos y ocho niños). El apoyo incluiría gastos médicos, alimentos no cubiertos por los beneficios de SNAP, asistencia para el alquiler, transporte, servicios de asesoramiento legal y vocacional.