Music Ministry

We have a variety of opportunities for musicians to get involved in our liturgical celebrations! Unless otherwise noted, contact Rosemarie Spollen, Coordinator of Music for more information.

Accompanists and Instrumentalists: are musicians (adult or teen) who accompany the singers on piano, organ, guitar, woodwinds, brass, strings, or percussion at weekend Sunday Masses and special liturgies. Previous training and ability are required, as well as regular and special rehearsals.

Cantors: are skilled singers (adult or teen) who lead the assembly in song, especially when a choir is not present, and who sing the responsorial psalm and gospel acclamation verses, and other special acclamations that are used in the liturgy. Previous training and ability required, as well as regular and special rehearsals.

Music Ministry for Funerals (Funeral Choir): is open to anyone who is interested and available, especially during the weekdays. Rehearsals are held 30 minutes before a funeral liturgy. This ministry provides an essential ministry of hospitality and support to families in their time of grief.

Liturgical Choir: is a committed energetic group of adults and teens who provide the musical leadership at the 9am Sunday morning Mass. The music is an eclectic mix of contemporary, traditional, and multicultural music. All singers, cantors, accompanists, and instrumentalists for the Saturday evening Vigil and Sunday morning Masses rehearse together on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the church.

Women’s Ensemble: is an off-shoot of our Liturgical Choir, which also includes other women who may be cantors or just part of this group. They rehearse together with the Liturgical Choir and instrumentalists on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the church. This group sings at the 10:30am Sunday morning Mass.

Cornerstone: is a dynamic group of adults and teens who rehearse at 5pm each Sunday in preparation for the 6:30pm Mass, as well as once a month on a Monday night. The music has a contemporary and upbeat sound in the Praise and Worship style with varied instrumentation. Contact Elmer Bigley.

Children’s Christmas Choir

Rehearsals begin Wednesday, October 23, 5 – 5:50pm

Come make a joyful noise to the Lord on Christmas Eve at the 4pm Mass! Open to children in grades 1 – 8. Weekly rehearsals will be on Wednesdays, 5 – 5:50pm. Sign up below! For more information, please contact Rosemarie Spollen.

Contact Rosemarie Spollen by email or use the contact form below.

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