Mass Intentions & Prayer Requests
One of the beautiful gifts of our faith is the power of intercessory prayer – that we can pray for one another!
Parishioners may request a Mass Intention and/or Prayer Request by filling out an online form. Once the form is submitted, you will receive an automatic email confirming your request. A member of the parish staff will contact you to confirm your request with the date and Mass time. Given the number of Mass Intention requests, we cannot guarantee that your requested date will be available. A $10 donation is suggested for Mass Intentions and it can be made at the end of the form or when your date has been confirmed. Before filling out the form, please read the guidelines for Mass Intentions and Prayer Requests.
Mass Intentions
Guidelines for Mass Intentions
- An intention may be for the deceased or the living.
- Intentions can be scheduled for weekday and weekend Masses. Only one intention is offered at each Mass.
- Each weekend, one Mass is reserved for “All Parishioners’ Intentions.”
- Mass can be said for an individual (eg. “John Smith”), or a family, (eg. “The Smith Family” or “Joe and Mary Smith”).
- The calendar is open on a rolling basis for 12 months.
- We kindly request that you limit your requests to 5 Masses per intention.
Prayer Requests
Guidelines for Prayer Requests
- Prayer requests includes the names of those requesting prayers for general intentions (illness, surgery, special intention); for the recently deceased; and for those serving in Harm’s Way.
- These are said at Mass during the Prayers of the Faithful and published in our weekly bulletin for one week. In addition, our Prayer List which includes names for those who are sick is published on the monitor in the Commons for up to three months.
- Please note that requests to be published in the bulletin or said during the Prayers of the Faithful at weekend Masses, must be received before noon on Wednesdays.
- Please note that our bulletin deadlines are different and there may be some instances in which the name is read at Mass prior to being printed in the bulletin.