Building Project
Groundbreaking Ceremony
Thank you to all who joined us Sunday, April 23 for our groundbreaking Mass and blessing! “A major milestone in our parish’s history … breaking ground for a new chapel and meeting spaces!” – Father Tom.
Imagine the possibilities with a new chapel for greater opportunities for prayer and Adoration for all parishioners.
- Architecture and exterior finishes consistent with existing church.
- Addition of a cross in the bell tower to distinguish the parish as a Catholic Church.
Imagine the possibilities to offer families a more intimate space in a chapel for funerals and weddings.
- Quiet and intimate space for individual and small group prayer and devotion.
- Seating for 150 people.
- Handicap accessible and audio loop for the hearing impaired.
- Ability to livestream Mass.
Imagine the possibilities of increasing service in the name of God and our Church while taking into consideration our environmental footprint.
- Sharing Garden will remain for ministries and serve families in our community.
- Patio for small group sharing, enjoying the Sharing Garden, and nature.
Imagine the possibilities of offering more opportunities for parish, diocesan and community groups to find a home and a place to meet.
- Dedicated and enlarged space for youth ministry.
- Flexible space to allow for small and large group meetings.
- Easy access to patio and Sharing Garden.