“As we renew our commitment to pray, share our faith – especially with our young people! – and serve together, I thank you again for your spiritual and financial support of our parish!” -Father Tom

The Offertory, or Collection, at Mass is an integral part of the Sunday liturgy, not just because it is the primary means by which the parish receives financial support from the parishioners, but because it is also an expression of our gratitude to God for the blessings He has given us to return a portion of them back to Him for use by His Church. This includes the weekly offering, poor box donations, and our monthly building and maintenance collection.
Our campaign seeks to raise the funds needed to enable us to continue to grow as an active, vibrant parish family. The campaign also provides an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to a common goal – to live the Gospel and faithfully serve our Lord. For more information about our Imagine the Possibilities Capital Campaign, click here.

Annual Collections include yearly parish and national collections which help support the Church’s pastoral work of social justice, evangelization, catechesis, and institutional development, at home and around the world. Click on the list below to make your annual contribution.
Solemnity of Mary Mother of God
KOVAR (Knights of Columbus)
Church in Latin America
Ash Wednesday
Black and Indian Mission
Catholic Relief Services
Holy Thursday (Social Ministry)
Good Friday (Holy Land Shrine)
Easter Flowers
Catholic Home Mission
Catholic Communications Campaign
Diocesan Retired Priests
Peter’s Pence
Arlington Mission Appeal
The Catholic University of America
Religious Education/Faith Formation
World Mission Sunday
Porto Charities
All Saints
Retirement Fund for Religious
Campaign for Human Development
Thanksgiving (Emergency Assistance)
Christmas Flowers
Immaculate Conception
Catholic Charities
Ways to Give
Electronic Giving brings consistency to our budget and helps our parish use our financial resources effectively.
- Set up your donations for Offertory Giving, Holy Day and Other/Special collections.
- Download our parish app and use the Donate button.
Pushpay offers Good Shepherd families the option to add 2.2% to cover the processing costs for each gift. Thank you for prayerfully considering selecting this option.
Envelopes are mailed to your home monthly.
IRA Contributions Did you know that the IRA Charitable Transfer benefits donors aged 73 and up? The IRA Charitable Transfer is an excellent way to make gifts and receive tax benefits in return. Click here for more information.
Matching Gifts Does your company have a matching gift program? You may be able to enhance the impact of your gift. Check with your company for guidelines and gift matching forms. Click here for more information.
Legacy Gifts Making a planned gift can be an integral part of your long-term or estate planning. Consult your tax adviser so you can maximize tax planning opportunities. Click here for more information.
Securities. Gifts of long-term securities (stocks and bonds) can be a source of significant tax benefit to you by eliminating capital gains taxes as well as the applicable tax deduction. Click here for more information.
Gift of Stock Contact your broker in writing to provide proper documentation for a gift of stock. Click here to download the form.