Synod on Synodality

Read the full Diocesan Synod Report below! Click here for more information from the diocese about the synod process.

Parish Meeting: Monday, March 21 at 7pm

The Synod on Synodality is a two-year consultative process, requested by the Holy Father, in which the entire people of God engage in mutual dialogue and authentic listening to foster the Church’s communion, participation, and mission. In the coming weeks additional information and reflections will be provided.

  • What is a Synod?

    A Synod of Bishops, from the Greek word “to journey together,” is a gathering of bishops called by the Holy Father to reflect and to offer counsel on important pastoral matters in the life of the Church.

  • What is the subject of the upcoming Synod?

    Pope Francis has invited the Catholic Church throughout the world to participate in preparations for the next Synod of Bishops in Rome, in October 2023. The 2023 Synod will be on the subject of “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission”-that is, on synodality.  Synodality concerns the People of God journeying together, and reflecting together on the journey, so as to live communion, to achieve participation, and to be open to mission.

  • How is the diocese participating in this?

    In preparation for the Synod, Pope Francis has asked that every diocese undertake its own Synodal Phase of local consultations:  through prayerful listening and discernment rooted in the Holy Spirit, the entire People of God is called to contribute to an undertaking by which the Church deepens in understanding of Her mission and looks toward the future.

    Everyone in the Diocese of Arlington is invited to participate in the Diocesan Synodal Phase, which will involve in-person Listening Sessions at the local level:  in parishes, at universities and schools, at Catholic Charities, and at other locations. We will also reach out to include those who are no longer active in the faith, and those on the margins of the Church and society, that we may understand what distances them from the Church and how we might accompany them.

  • How are we called to participate in the Synod on Synodality?

    Every parish in the diocese are hosting listening sessions that parishioners are encouraged to attend. Please join us on Monday, March 21 at 7pm for our parish meeting.

  • What questions should we think about before the parish meeting?
    1. What experiences of “journeying together” in your diocese and parish bring you joy and hope?
    2. What difficulties and obstacles have you encountered to “journeying together” in your diocese and parish?
    3. How do we most effectively witness to the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Gospel?
    4. How effective are we in our three-fold mission of proclaiming and teaching the faith, of celebrating the liturgy and sacraments, and of service in charity?
    5. How do all the member of the Church – laity and clergy – collaborate in their common mission?
    6. How well do we dialogue – listen attentively and speak up candidly – within the Church and with the wider community?
  • What is the format of the synod?

    The synod is a listening session for parishioners to share their thoughts with Father Tom and fellow parishioners. A facilitator will lead the group through a series of questions and anyone who answers is given a 3-minute time limit. Father Tom will not be responding to any of the answers but notetakers will be keeping notes that will be compiled for our parish, sent to the diocese, which will be included in a larger document that the bishops of the United States will be sharing with the Vatican.

To learn more about the Synod and how you can participate, click here.

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