
Journey to the Manger & Christmas Pageant

Friday, December 6, 6 – 8pm.

Join us for a trip to Bethlehem. Visit the shops to make crafts, meet the Shepherds in the field, learn about the wisemen’s journey, eat at the Bethlehem Café, and keep an eye out for Mary and Joseph who will be looking for a place to stay. We will end the evening with the Nativity story. 

Adult and Teen volunteers are needed for setup/cleanup and during the event. Click here to volunteer.

Advent Evening of Reflection (Holy Hour)

Wednesday, December 18 at 6pm

Looking for an Advent activity to do as a family? Join us for our Advent Evening of Reflection. This Praise and Worship Holy Hour will be led by musician Stephen Ng, and will be a beautiful way to prepare our hearts for Christmas. There will be dinner provided afterwards in Creedon Hall. All are welcome!

Advent Evening of Reconciliation

Monday, December 16, 4:30 – 5:30pm and 6:30 – 8pm

Prepare your hearts for Christmas! Priests will be available to hear confessions in English and Spanish.

We will have a Pizza & Penance dinner from 5 – 7pm! So stop by after confession for pizza, salad, and dessert.

Simbang Gabi

Saturday, December 21 at 6am

Join us for Simbang Gabi Mass celebrated by Father Tom. A reception will follow Mass.

Simbang Gabi was introduced to the Philippines by Spanish friars in the 16th century. This novena of Masses is celebrated in the early morning hours, when the roosters crow to announce the coming of the new day (hence the name, Misa de gallo) for a very practical reason – Filipinos are mainly farmers or fisherfolk who either begin or end their day at dawn. Farmers begin their work at the crack of dawn to avoid the intense heat. Fishermen who spend all night at sea, come back to shore to sell their catch. Thus the Spanish missionaries decided just before dawn was the best time to gather all the people to pray and prepare for the coming of Jesus.

Giving Tree

Bring a $25 gift card to the office by Friday, December 13

Please take an ornament from the giving tree and bring a gift card to help a family in need through United Community Holiday Gift Program, Good Shepherd Housing, and the Mother of Light Center. We are requesting $25 gift cards from Walmart and/or Target. Please bring your gift cards to the office by Friday, December 13. Thank you for sharing Christmas joy!

The Mother of Light Center will distribute gifts to 1000 children this Christmas! Use this Amazon wish list to ship Christmas gifts directly to the center by December 12. Click here to volunteer with the distribution on Saturday, December 14.

Advent Resources

“A contemplative Christmas, made possible by an Advent that is full of grace, is one where we see all that we do, especially all of our preparations for the season, through the eyes of faith. The contemplative spirit is one that moves us, in the midst of our busyness, to pause, step back, and ask why we do the things we do.” -Father Tom

As we seek to prepare our hearts in hope and joy for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas, we invite you to visit our parish app to access our Advent resources. We have compiled videos, explanations of Advent Traditions including the Advent wreath and Jesse Tree, prayers, reflections, and more to help us embrace the contemplative spirit of this liturgical season.

Click here to download our app.

Jesse Tree and O Antiphons

The Jesse Tree and O Antiphons are both Advent traditions! Click here to learn more and find printable ornaments to help celebrate the Advent season!

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