Social Justice

Advocacy & Education

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Annual Drives

Good Shepherd hosts three annual drives: the Mother’s Day Cradle Project (May), the School Supply Drive (August), and the Giving Tree (December). Donations go to our local non-profit community partners to serve those in need. Volunteers promote the drives and deliver donations to the different non-profits.

Contact form: Leah Tenorio,

Card Writing Ministry

Participants are matched with homebound and seriously ill parishioners to write a card and provide a continual connection to our parish. Each regular participant receives a small list of names for regular (usually monthly) correspondence.

Contact form: Karen Vasilas

Christ House

Teams of parishioners serve a meal to homeless individuals and families at Christ House ( (131 S. West St., Alexandria, VA 22314). Duties include purchasing, cooking, delivering, and serving dinner and dessert for 50-75 adults and children. Good Shepherd has teams for the first Thursday (for teens through the Youth Ministry program) and Saturday of each month, as well as the first Friday of all even-numbered months. Volunteers participate on a rotating basis, usually once every two months for 2-3 hours.

Contact form: Leah Tenorio

Eleanor Kennedy Shelter Lunch Program

Volunteers support the Kennedy Shelter for homeless adults by providing working residents with supplies for bag lunches. Volunteers contribute about $30 to cover expenses. One or two members shop for and deliver items. Shopping and delivery trips occur six times a year. 

Contact form: Leah Tenorio

International Festival

Go ahead and leave this page blank for the time being because the content from the old one will need to change right before we launch this site.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels helps elderly and homebound community members remain independent through nutritious meals, daily safety checks, and friendly interaction. Volunteers use their personal vehicles to pick up meals and deliver them along an assigned route. Drivers can volunteer to deliver prepared meals weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Meals are picked up between 10:30 – 11am. An average delivery route takes two hours. Substitute drivers are also needed.

Contact form: Pat Pitzer

Sharing Garden

Good Shepherd has 8 garden plots out back that volunteers, groups, or families can adopt and care for throughout the spring and summer. Volunteers can take a bit of their harvest home to enjoy and donate the rest to our local food bank and shelters to ensure families who visit have fresh food options in addition to canned goods.

Contact form: Ayleen Ferry

Sharing Sunday

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink…”

Your donations benefit the St. Lucy Project ( and United Community Food Pantry ( Please bring your donations to the bins in the commons any day of the week.

The most needed items are: rice, beans, oil, cereal, canned soup, canned chicken or tuna, pasta, snack sized fruit cups, crackers, and chips, diapers (sizes 1 – 5), wipes, baby formula, laundry detergent, soap, shampoo, and toothbrush/paste

Thank you for your generosity, especially throughout the pandemic. Over the last year, we have provided thousands of pounds of food to our community.

If you are interested in volunteering to load the donations onto the St. Lucy Project truck with Youth Ministry, contact Miguel de Angel (

Ventures in Community Hypothermia Outreach Program (VIC-HOP)

Faith communities in the Rt. 1 area support this emergency winter homeless shelter from December 1 – March 31 every year. Hosted at Rising Hope Mission Church (8220 Russel Rd), Good Shepherd volunteers prepare and serve dinner to the 20-25 residents and stay overnight to chaperon the guests every Saturday evening in the months of December and January. Must be 18 years or older to serve. A training is provided for first time volunteers.

Contact form: Dan Burke

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