Spiritual Resources

Earth Day 2021 Resources

Below is a list of resources based around Laudato Si for this year’s celebration of Earth Day. Check out our Instagram or Facebook post for more pictures of Good Shepherd through the seasons!

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Thank you to all our parishioners who placed pinwheels around our Good Shepherd statue to raise awareness for this month. 

What the Equality Act Means for Catholics: ​Nationwide Webinar (Monday, March 22, 2021 at 8pm)

The Equality Act may sound harmless but its dangerous implications are broad and far-reaching. Join us for a nationwide webinar to learn more about the Equality Act and it’s repercussions for families, faith, and freedom. The evening will be facilitated by Ryan T. Anderson whose book on gender ideology was recently censored by Amazon – a dire signal that diversity of thought is no longer protected. Hear presentations from knowledgeable speakers including Mary Hasson, Susan Muskett, and Gregory Baylor and become equipped to take action at a grassroots level.

Stand Against Unjust Discrimination: Oppose the Equality Act

By Cardinal Timothy Dolan; Archbishop of New York and Chairman of the Committee for Religious Liberty at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

“The Equality Act goes far beyond the noble desire to protect vulnerable people. It burdens consciences, severely curtails the rights of people to practice their faith, smuggles in an abortion mandate, and explicitly exempts itself from respecting religious freedom.”

Moral Considerations regarding the COVID-19 Vaccines

The Diocese of Arlington has released FAQs regarding the moral implications of the COVID-19 Vaccine, including the recently authorized Johnson & Johnson vaccine. 

Click here for statements from the USCCB.

Statement by Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Knestout on Passage of Death Penalty Abolition Legislation

February 5, 2021

Statement by Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Knestout on Virginia House of Delegates Passage of Abortion Expansion Legislation 

January 26, 2021

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